April 26, 2009

History of Shadowgraph

according to cultural experts also Inventor / experts in the archeology indonesia, puppet art culture is actually the original form has been used since, at the time of the first era, the era before the Hindu Buddhist religion. Period is called cultural puppet already owned by the nation itself indonesia. puppet so that the original culture indonesia. that time, Cultures, puppets still have people in close relationships animism that is still held in the ancestor of the nation indonesia.

According to trust the spirit of animism or ancestor in the ancestor can make help for the welfare of mankind. Kebalikanya also the spirit of yesteryear was also trusted that can make trouble. period first then if there is a request to help the spirit of ancestors, should be held Ceremony ritual, which he said could personalize spirit. Ritual ceremony before the event at the same time with puppet show.
About the early Christian era as told by the historian before, Hindu foreign nations that come from india are coming on to "Immigrant" to Indonesia. And long run, would not want to make the influence of Hindu-Buddhist culture is finally accepted by the community can Indonesiaa.
Here the art puppet used by the Hindu religious places to spread the Hindu stories or Ramayana mahabarata. Puppet art that is already mixed before, so forever because of Hindu religion spread quickly, and received Indonesian society.
therefore the story is much the puppet of the Hindu culture. According to the Book of Literary centhini mentioned "mula bukane kesenian wayang purwa kuwi cinipta karo dening raja jaya baya Soko kerajaan kediri " which meaning (that of the puppet Created victory by the king from the old kingdom kediri).
Approximately 10 centuries old king Jaya write old ancestor spirits to make a description written on the leaves Lontar. Then approaching the end of the Majapahit era, the influence of Islam has begun to spread entire land-bred. Guardians and the Sunan of wayan also use "Media Effektif" spread the Islamic religion. That period, changed the form of puppet, made from skin and bones symbol that describes the human being.